redeemer network We are part of the Redeemer Network.  This network of churches was birthed in 2015 in partnership with our sending church Redeemer Lubbock. The Redeemer Network exists to catalyze church multiplication in Texas and beyond through collaborative training, support, and funding.
Learn more

Our Story

The Anchor exists to glorify God by raising and equipping a generation of followers of Jesus to have intimacy with the Lord, intimacy with others, and impact the world through Biblical disciple making and church planting.

Our story includes people, churches, time, prayer, and patience; but most importantly, it is a story of God's unending grace in our lives, His desire for people to know Him, and His faithfulness to His church. One by one, the Lord has been rescuing each person at The Anchor from their old ways and making them into new creations.

​This particular journey began culminating in August 2014 when Murray Van Gundy and a couple friends began to wonder if the Lord was now leading them to plant a church. They began praying, discussing the possibilities with grand excitement, and praying some more. The Lord took them on an adventure of trusting Him and waiting for God to work in His perfect timing.

Eventually, by early 2015, it was confirmed. Through the Scriptures, through godly men and women uniting their hearts together, and through a peace that comes without understanding, The Anchor began to take shape. A team of followers of Jesus united, prayed, sought the Lord through the Bible, and began meeting, as God wove together an expression of His Church through His children. The doors opened in the Spring of 2016 for public worship and God has never ceased to prove His faithfulness to provide spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

​We are a Family of Servant Missionaries

This is God's church with a mission of drawing people into intimacy with Him, intimacy with His people, and impacting the Kingdom of God through the sharing of the Gospel and Biblical disciple making. Praise God for giving us a story that honors Him alone! He is truly our Anchor.

staff profile image

Steven Lewis

Elder & Teaching Pastor

staff profile image

Roman S. Ortiz

Elder & Executive Pastor

staff profile image

Austin Cottingim

Elder & Community Pastor



"We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf" (Heb. 6:19-20)


On Mission

The Anchor exists to glorify God by raising and equipping a generation of followers of Jesus to have intimacy with the Lord, intimacy with others, and impact the world through Biblical disciple making and church planting.

Our Values

  1. Gospel Centrality

  2. Bible Teaching

  3. Ministry Equipping

  4. Disciple Making

  5. Missional Living

Five Doctrinal Distinctives

1. We are passionate about gospel centrality.

2. We enthusiastically embrace the sovereignty of God’s grace in saving sinners. 

3. We recognize and rest upon the necessity of the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit for all of life and ministry.

4. We are deeply committed to the spiritual & moral equality of men and women, and certain men are responsible to be the spiritual head in the house of God-the church.

5. We embrace a missionary understanding of the local church and its role as the primary means by which God chooses to establish his kingdom on earth.

With Vision

  • Intimacy with God

  • Intimacy with others

  • Impact the community, the world, and the kingdom

Worship With Us

10:00 am Sunday Mornings
100 Porfirio Diaz
El Paso, TX 79902

"And they devoted themselves to the
apostles' teaching and the fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and the prayers."​
Acts 2:42