Background Check Permission Form
Consent to a Background Check from the Anchor Church El Paso.
All Volunteers for Children's Ministry need to complete a background check, thanks!
Any questions on the background checks, please reach out to Destanee Cruz
If you have any questions about the Children's Ministry, please reach out to Tabetha Reinking
Thank you!
Thank you for entrusting your children in our care on Sunday mornings. The volunteers of Anchor Kids have the special privilege of partnering with the parents of The Anchor to lay a firm foundation of truth in the lives of the children that we serve. We aim to provide an environment that is safe, happy, and nurturing, while presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We look forward to partnering with you as the primary spiritual leader in your child’s life to see Jesus become your child(ren)’s greatest treasure.
Our Mission
Anchor Kids exists to glorify God by presenting the Gospel to every child, while partnering with and equipping parents to fulfill their Biblical responsibility to be the primary spiritual leaders in the lives of their children.
Who We Serve
- Nursing Mothers | There is a Nursing Mother’s area in the back room where the Children's Ministry is located.
- Nursery | 0 to 3 years
- Younger Kids | 4 years to 6 years
- Older Kids | 7 years to 9 years
Anchor Kids First (Disabilities &/or Difficulties)
We recognize that all people are created in the image of God. Though some children have learning, behavioral, physical or emotional difficulties and/or disabilities, they are still all kids first and foremost. Children with disabilities and/or difficulties are welcomed and included in all of our classrooms. We realize that some children with disabilities and/or difficulties may be exceptions to our typical age and grade-based classrooms. Please contact a member of the Anchor Kids Leadership Team to discuss how we can best meet your child’s needs.
Our Safety Guidelines
The safety of the children in Anchor Kids is our utmost priority. These steps are taken to ensure safety:
- Every adult volunteer in Anchor Kids must undergo a background check prior to serving.
- Every child that comes into Anchor Kids must be checked-in upon arrival. Right now, we will be doing a tag system. Each child upon check-in will be given a name and number tag and another tag with the same number is given to the parent.
- No siblings/youth may check children out of classrooms.
- Volunteers will ask to check parent tags upon dismissal that they match the child. No child will be released without verifying the relationship between the child and pickup person.
General Information
- Please wait at the door of the classroom upon pick-up. This helps to create a calm classroom, avoid injury, and a smooth transition.
- Parent Paging System: At check-in, each parent will be asked to leave a name and phone number. If a parent is needed, a volunteer will text the parent to come to the classroom, if for some reason the text goes unanswered, they will attempt to call you. Please remember to bring you child’s number tag with you!
- Please label all of your children’s belongings so that nothing gets lost. This is especially important in the Nursery. Please label any bags you leave with the Nursery Volunteer Team.
- Anchor Kids has specific yet simple diapering and bathroom policies in place to ensure proper care of our young children. For children in the jr. kids’ room, a parent will be paged if the need arises for their child to use the restroom. For the babies in the Nursery, we request only female volunteers change diapers. If you do not want your child’s diaper changed by anyone other than you as their parent, let the teacher know. We will text or call for a parent to tend to needs as they arise.
- Snacks & Allergy Concerns – Snacks and water are provided for children. Snacks from home will only be served if your child has allergies or a medical reason. Please alert a classroom volunteer if your child has allergies or medical reason for other snacks.
- Please pick up your children immediately following service. We know it’s easy to lose track of time as you chat with friends following service, but it can be difficult for young children to be the last to be picked up. Additionally, our volunteers stay after service to clean-up. Thank you for being considerate.
We utilize The Biggest story By Crossway, as our Curriculum The Biggest Story leads readers on an exciting journey through the Bible, from the garden of Eden to the return of Christ. This fun curriculum based on the book draws kids into Scripture and helps them grasp its overarching message of redemption. To learn more please visit
We know some children like to stay in church with their parents. We love that and would like to help them to take notes and have activities pertaining to the sermon in a notebook maintained by Tabetha each week. If your child would be interested in having a sermon notebook, please email her at and she will have one available to you the following Sunday.
Take-home Items: We realize that these can get easily tossed aside or lost at the end of a service. However, the take-home items (coloring pages, worksheets, Big Picture Question cards) have information for parents on what your child learns each week. These items contain more than your child’s artwork, they become great discussion starters to see what your child learned in class. Asking them to tell you about the craft or picture they drew/colored can grow into a better conversation than a simple “how was class today.”
Discipline Policy
We realize that our volunteers, while an authority figure during class, is not the parent of your kids. However, it is necessary for us to have a discipline procedure while the children are in our care to keep the class running as smooth as possible and for the kids to get the most out of class.
Anchor Kids volunteers are prohibited from using corporal punishment, any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, while volunteering in Anchor Kids. This includes, but is not limited to, spanking, slapping of hands, and so on. Anchor Kids will be using a four-step warning system.
First Step- When the undesirable behavior is first exhibited, try addressing and redirection. Redirection is important for all age groups. In most instances, children will find success when given alternatives and options in response to undesirable behavior. We should focus on engaging the child rather than focusing primarily on the negative behavior.
Second Step- Personal Communication. At this point our volunteer would take the child off to the side and have a more personal conversation about the behavior. Why is this happening? What can we do to focus? How can I help you in this? Explaining that if it should continue, we may have to get a parent involved.
Third Step- Parent Involvement. On the rare occasion that a volunteer is unable to find resolution on their own, they would have a parent come to help. Explain to the parent in front of the child what has been happening, and then come up with a solution together (i.e., have another chance or go back to service with the parent).
Fourth Step- Removal. If for some reason the child does continue the undesirable behavior after being allowed back into class, if that is what was chosen, then their parent would be asked to come back and remove them from the room for the rest of class. To maintain the health and wellness of all of our children, families, and volunteers, we kindly ask that you do not bring sick children to Anchor Kids. The following are guidelines for when children should stay home.
- Fever—a temperature of 100.4 or higher- Must be symptom free for 24 hours
- Vomiting or Diarrhea—must be symptom free for 24-48 hours.
- Respiratory Illness—significant symptoms of respiratory illness such as thick, colored mucus from eyes or nose, serious or persistent cough, runny or crusty eyes, significantly sore throat, or flu-like symptoms.
- Rash—any undiagnosed or contagious skin rash.
- Head Lice—may return when hair is nit free. PLEASE NOTIFY US if your child has head lice.
- Pink Eye—eyes need to be clear or child needs to be on prescription medication for at least 24 hours.
- Contagious Infection requiring doctor’s prescription—should be on antibiotics for 24 hours prior to Anchor Kids. (We ask at least 36 hours for Strep Throat.)
- Open sores- any open wounds that can cause transfer of body fluids should be cared for properly, including isolation if they are known to be caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus (Hand foot Mouth or Ringworm for example).
- Other open wounds should be cleaned and dressed properly and the teachers should be alerted of any such injuries before they receive a child into the classroom.
- Any time your child(ren) is not feeling well enough to attend.
Teen that has aged out of Anchor Kids?
We welcome teens to come serve alongside our adult volunteers! If interested, please contact Tabetha Reinking for more information!